Sunday, February 10, 2013

Not that often

It's not that often it happens, but when it does the world seems to stop turning for a while - when all three babies scream their lungs out at the same time...

Yesterday afternoon EOF was sleeping in the pram after having been with me for a quick visit downtown. Anna and the older kids came home from having been elsewhere. I started to prep dinner and was just about to throw in chicken in the oven.

Then Oscar woke up. I picked him up and soon came to the conclusion that he needed a meal. I handed him over to Anna and headed for the kitchen to heat a bottle. On the way there Elin woke up too. She and Oscar started whining and I realized getting the milk ready was needed urgently. Both then changed whining for screaming.
Then Filip woke up and soon joined in. And still the milk bottles had not found their way to the microwave...

Fixing milk is something you may do with one kid on the left arm, but it slows you down. Two kids prevents you from doing anything. So I just had to put down two kids on their mattress (that we have in the living room) and rush to the kitchen. Anna soon had a bottle for Oscar and got him to eat. But when the second and third bottle was ready Elin and Filip had screamed themselves blue.

It took another ten minutes to calm everything down again.

I guess the world stopped turning during that quarter of an hour. What ever that could have happened at that time wouldn't have been noticed anyway...

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