Friday, December 21, 2012

Done working for a while

Today was my final day at work before the holidays. Feels nice to turn off the computer and work phone a full ten days.

Some strange year at work it has been. If I've been lucky I've produced half the things I usually do in a year, so the government might not be that pleased. But on the other hand, the family has grown with three (future) taxpayers. You win some, you loose some, you might say. :)

Here's a few recent photos!

1 comment:

  1. Men å andra sidan gör ju du, precis som du själv sade, kanske lite väl mycket när du är på topp så det jämnar ju som sagt ut sig i slutändan :)

    God jul på dig och din familj!
    Se till och ta väl vara på julledigheten. Den förtjänar ni allihop!
